
Thursday, 3 September 2015

Dealing with difficult people

Most of us encounter unreasonable people in our lives. We may be stuck with a difficult individual at work or at home. Don't allow a challenging person affect us and ruin our day. Empower yourself in such situations.  
Below are some keys to handling unreasonable and difficult people.
1. Recognize that impossible people exist. The first step is all about facing reality. If you think you might be dealing with an impossible person, you're probably right. 
2. Understand that it's not you, it's them. Considering that impossible people have complete mastery of blaming skills. Chances are, the more often they blame you, the more they themselves are actually at fault. 
3. Keep Your Cool. Maintain your composure; the less reactive you are, the more you can use your better judgment to handle the situation.
4. Keep your distance 
Your time is valuable, so unless there’s something important at stake, don’t waste it by trying to change or convince a person who’s negatively entrenched. Be diplomatic. The rest of the time, keep a healthy distance.
5. Listen
The best thing to do is to use good, normal active listening techniques, as you would for anyone else.
6.  Shift from Being Reactive to Proactive. When you feel offended by someone’s words or deeds, avoid personalizing other people's behaviors.People do what they do because of them more than because of us.
7. Separate the Person from the Issue .In every communication situation, there are two elements present: The relationship you have with this person, and the issue you are discussing. An effective communicator knows how to separate the person from the issue, and be soft on the person and firm on the issue.  
8. Use Appropriate Humour. Humor is a powerful communication tool. When appropriately used, humor can shine light on the truth, disarm difficult behavior, and show that you have superior composure.
9. Set Consequence. The ability to set consequence(s) helps us to "stand down" a difficult person. It gives pause to the challenging individual, and compels her or him to shift from obstruction to cooperation.
In conclusion, to know how to handle unreasonable and difficult people is to truly master the art of communication. As you utilize these skills, you may experience less grief, greater confidence, better relationships, and higher communication prowess.

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