Tuesday, 3 November 2015

Trust Issues (Signs and Control)

Trust issues

Trust is the act of placing confidence in someone or something else, it is a fundamental human experience, necessary for society to function and for any person to be relatively happy.  
To trust someone means to have the belief that the person is good, sincere, and honest and will not try to harm or deceive you. It is to have confidence in a person.  
How easy is it for you to trust other people? Do you trust easily? Or are often suspicious of others, motives? What do you do when your trust has been violated? Having trust issues is a delibilitating component of relationships. Trust problems can destroy relationships. How does one overcome trust traumas from the past?

 Signs that you have trust issues
Certain experiences in life have the ability to shape your personality, for better or worse. a former friend may change the way you make friends, a cheating ex may change the way you enter into a relationship, and the way you behave in it. Unfortunately, trust issues can contaminate every area of your life. You’re never quite sure of who to believe and you doubt everyone’s motives.
If these signs sound familiar, then you have trust issues. they include: you doubt medical professionals, you know not to trust strangers, your partner doesn’t go out unaccompanied, you are a pro at stalking, you are the only person you rely on,  you are suspicious of everyone around, you struggle to be kind, you have major privacy concerns, you keep friends and family separate, lack of intimacy or friendship due to mistrust, several intensely dramatic and stormy relationships in a row or at once, terror during physical intimacy, belief that others are deceptive and malevolent, without real evidence.

How to overcome trust issues
·        trust and love yourself
·        realize that people care about you
·        direct all accusations inward
·         know that everyone is an equal
·        don’t fall for words or verbal promises
·        ask for clarity
·        trust life itself

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