
Tuesday, 10 November 2015

Things you should know now that you are still young

1. Trust your gut: if you think he likes you, you're probably right. If you think he’s cheating, you're probably right. If you think she’s going to be your new BFF, you’re probably right.

2. It really doesn’t matter what you major in: what does matter is the internship you get, your work ethic, your interpersonal skills, who you know.
3. Create an active lifestyle: if your make it  a habit to get some daily activity, you won’t have nearly as many moments off
4. Learn to enjoy your own company: there will be times in your life when you really want to see that movie, check out that new boutique, go on a trip and no one wants to go with you, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t go by yourself and have a good time. Take little steps and work up to doing the big stuff on your own.
5. Don’t give away your power to others: it’s important to have faith in your abilities, regardless of how they compare to others.
6. When in doubt, make the effort: you'll never regret wearing that nice outfit, buying the thoughtful gift for the friend you haven’t heard from in a while or over-tipping. If it doesn’t work out,  at least you'll know you did your best.
7. Cook at home: you will save so much and you will maintain a healthy weight.
8. There are seven billion people in the world: I promise you, you'll love someone else. You’ll make new friends, you’ll find coworkers and neighbours that are awesome. If it’s too hard or someone is making you feel bad, then walk away. There are a million people out there who won’t make you feel bad! Learning to let go of relationships is one of the most liberating experiences you'll ever have.
9. You can find common ground with just about anyone, anywhere: Regardless of a person's gender, age, race or religion, there are common denominators of the human experience. You can get far with most people just by smiling and asking them questions.
10. Excuses are embarrassing: most excuses are embarrassing for everyone involved, the person giving then and the person listening to them. Most excuses really translate to, I'm not making it a priority.
11. Learn how to live well within your means: make a budget and stick to it.
12. If you don’t know what you say, silence is always an option: if someone says something that you don’t like and you don’t know how to respond to it, just stare at them and don’t say anything. Totally terrifying and totally effective
13. Act like you know what you're doing: you can pretty much conquer the world with a confident walk and a well-thought-out outfit. We can teach people how to treat us and when you show people that you're a force to be reckoned with, others will treat you as such.

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