Saturday, 31 October 2015

Why you need a Relationship

Do I really need any relationship? (Why do I need a relationship)
Relationship is a way two individuals behave towards each other or deal with one another. It can be a loving or sexual relationship between two people. It’s also the way two things are connected. It’s an emotional connection between two people.
Why do I need a relationship?
From birth to death, relationships are at the core of human experience. Humans are social animals with a powerful need to relate to other people. Belonging to a group enables people to survive physically and psychologically because no one is an island. It is not enough just to be near other people; we want to have close ties to people who care about us.
Here are the reasons to be in a relationship
Firstly, I’ll talk about the unhealthy reasons which are: wanting someone to love you because you think you're love starved; you feel the need to be happy and to feel worthy and complete. These reasons will always get you disappointed because if you do not love yourself, your partner’s love cannot fill that space within that comes from self-abandonment.
The healthy reasons you need a relationship include:
To share love and and value yourself so you become filled up with love to share. It is fulfilling to share your love.
To learn and grow... relationships offer a wonderful arena to heal old fears and insecurities that we have acquired in the past.
To be there to support each other...being social beings, we need others to love and care about us and to help us see what is true for us and what is best for us.
To share companionship and fun...we are not meant to live alone. It is generally more fun to do things with a partner than to be always doing them alone.
To create a safe and loving sexual relationship...people who love each other and are in a committed relationship (marriage) have the opportunity to be creative and sexually free with a loving partner.


  1. Of all relationship tips, this one is perhaps one of the most important. Taking time to do things with your woman makes her feel like you want to spend time with her. When you go out, act interested in her.Read more:-Relationship Tips

  2. A woman is physically strained both before and after the child birth. Her husband should realize this and show some concern for her health. A man may have concern for his wife but may still not show it.To know more details:-Young couples advice
