Saturday, 31 October 2015

Why you need a Relationship

Do I really need any relationship? (Why do I need a relationship)
Relationship is a way two individuals behave towards each other or deal with one another. It can be a loving or sexual relationship between two people. It’s also the way two things are connected. It’s an emotional connection between two people.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

How to make friends and influence

How to Make Close Friends

    Tips on Meeting People and Building Strong Friendships
Friends have a huge impact on your happiness and quality of life; they relieve stress, provide comfort and joy, prevent loneliness and isolation, and even strengthen your health.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Conflict resolution methods

Conflict Resolution Skills

Building the Skills That Can
      Conflict Resolution Skills (Turn Conflicts into Opportunities).
Conflict is a normal part of any healthy relationship because two people can’t be expected to agree on everything, all the time. Learning how to deal with conflict rather than avoiding it is crucial.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Dealing with Anger

Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure, hostility or antagonism towards someone or something, usually combined with an urge to harm. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but when prolonged, it spirals out of control which has serious consequences for your relationships, your health, and your state of mind.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Turn Your Weaknesses into Strengths

Everyone has weaknesses. It is important for you to be aware of your weaknesses. This acute sense of awareness, has uniquely allowed them to turn their weaknesses into strengths.

Identify Your Weaknesses
    Defining your weaknesses is a difficult process, but very important if you want to have a successful career.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Stress Management( Reduce, Prevent, and Cope with Stress)

      You have more control over stress than you might think. Stress management is all about taking charge of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with problems. Some stress is good for you but too much can result in you being unable to think straight, inaction and poor performance.

How to Keep a Conversation Going

       Awkward silence is the death of any social situation. Learning to keep a conversation going organically is an important skill to learn and can really help you improve your social skills and social life in general.
Conversations doesn’t just come out of nowhere, both parties need to take responsibility to keep conversation going.

Friday, 2 October 2015

How to deal with people you don’t like

       Usually, every person should be nice, kind, considerate, mindful, generous, and more. We should all thrive in a friendly atmosphere where no one was ever cross, upset, or evil.
However, we don’t live in a perfect world. Some people drive us crazy, and we drive a few mad as well.