
Sunday, 30 August 2015

How to become Trustworthy

If you have a big dream that others would help bring into reality, then inevitably you must have to delegate responsibility and it is not going to be easy if you don’t have trust in people, it is risky to trust but suicidal not to at all.

The Power of Trust

What is trust?

Trust is a firm believe in the reliability, trust or ability of someone or something, the confidence to allow someone to have use, or look after’’. “Trust is giving someone the power to kill you yet believing he or she will not”.

Friday, 28 August 2015

The nature of Happiness

Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. Happiness does not come from a situation, but from a change of situation. Its a journey and not a destination. 

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Dealing with Loneliness

Do you feel isolated or separated from the world, cut off from those you would love to have contact with? You might experience loneliness as a vague feeling that something is not right, a kind of minor emptiness. Or you might feel loneliness as a very intense deprivation and deep pain.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Living an Efficient Life

 An efficient life is one lived without wasted time, money, or resources. It is a life where the unnecessary has been removed and only the useful remains. It is a life in which we understand what brings us true satisfaction and we are actively pursuing it. It is about knowledge, self control and behavior.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Setting our Personal Priorities

   When you have a lot to do, it is often hard to know what to do first,  The key to getting yourself out of this is to change your relationship to time and learn how to manage yourself around time. The way you spend your time is a statement of what your priorities are.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Improving your personality

Personality is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.  to have  a "good personality" is to be likeable, interesting and pleasant to be with. Everyone wants to be attractive to others.